Today, I will share with you some interesting insights about the relationship between the joints, density and infinity. I hope you enjoyed this post!
Your body is much more than you can imagine. Through it, you can see the Infinite in the finite expression and access new perspective on reality that reveals the perfection of creation that is always new. When you use your body as a magnificent tool that was created for, you will be a strong co-creator of your reality.
It is important to realize that the level of extraordinary power comes through the 13 major joints of the body. Joints are portals to infinite wisdom and intelligence that guides us to engage in the ultimate reality. They are the bridge between the etheric and physical level of the solid, and can withstand the perfect level of density to allow your involvement in the form of reality.
When you feel uncomfortable in the area together, this indicates that your perspective on life that is associated with joints that are too limited, stiff or have become obsolete. When the joint is removed, you become flexible, and seamless reshapes life. When you live without density, you close the gap between the inside and outside, and you begin to live in a state of non-resistant.
Tension of your body, which is mainly stored in the joints, is the cause of illusion, and illusion is the cause of linear time. If you live outside of the tension, you no longer take part of the drama and then you live in eternity where you constantly updated on the cellular level.
When your joints are free of tension, you are open to all possibilities. And ironically, when you are tense, you are locked into a reality that you try to resist or avoid. What do you refuse to continue and strengthen the tension in your body!
You realize life through the body. A body without tension increase personal power and higher consciousness available to you. Keep in mind that whenever you release the lie to a higher understanding, you unleash the power trapped in a body that revitalizes cells, DNA repair, and open a portal body for higher consciousness.
Whenever you find yourself tense, aware of your joints, intend to release all the tension of the body, and know that by doing so, not only can you create a higher reality for yourself, but also creates a higher reality for everyone in around you!
So, in summary: joint intelligence portal for more life-they are open when we are no longer opposed to the life and dispel the illusion inside / outside, life is good overall smooth.
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