So what is "Energy Healer" do? First, let's look at what is meant Energy Healer.
Energy Healer is a practitioner of the healing arts of the ancient type. This healing art has been known about for thousands of years by many ancient civilizations that live and thrive on this planet in the past.
If we look at the current culture, especially in the East, we can see that a lot of this knowledge has been preserved and is still used in their health care system.
The most well known form of healing that utilizes culture is the culture of China and India.
In a later post we will dig deeper into the science and art of healing this concept, but basically and Energy Healer is a person who has the knowledge and the work with the fundamental energy of the human system. This energy is the basis for the creation and functioning of all cells and organs in the system. I say the system as a human entity is more than just a physical body.
By working with this energy, Energy Healers can help harmonize the re-patients in a variety of ways to clean up and then revitalization of this fundamental energy.
Fundamental energy is known as "life-force energy" and has been given many other names by ancient cultures such as "Chi" in Chinese and "prana" in India. (Again, in a later post we will get deeper into the concepts and ideas of life force energy, human energy system and the science behind it all). For this post even though I just wanted to clarify the picture of what the Energy Healers understand and work with.
As I mentioned, there are various ways in which the Healing Energy can work with the fundamental energies of the human system and many different "healing modalities" has evolved over time to cope with illness or "dis-disease-'and system disorders human beings.
Some of the most common are:
- Acupuncture
Acupuncture works with the meridians of the energy system, which is a subtle energy lines running through the body and distribute the energy to where it is needed on a regular basis.
- Reiki
Reiki works with the body's overall energy revitalized to transfer energy from the healer to the patient through prayer and concentration techniques.
- Pranic Healing
Pranic Healing cooperate with Reiki, but has a slightly deeper understanding of the energy body, the body's energy must first be cleaned before revitalized energy is transferred to the patient. It was developed from a variety of techniques such as Medical Qi Gong and others.
These are just three of the most well-known, efficient and modalities to trace through history.
So Energy Healer is a person who has an understanding of the energy system. A good energy healer will usually be very good, grateful and loving people, it is because in ancient spiritual knowledge no such thing called "purification." It is the process of removing themselves from things that do not help people on the path to self-realization.
A healer generally work on these principles because it is more "pure" you (as in, less congestion in the mind, body and energy), the greater the ability to healer to heal the patient, as the energy transfer will be much more powerful. You can imagine the flow of water through the pipe. If the pipe is clean and clear, the water will flow uninterrupted, but if the os is dirty and clogged pipes, it will be more difficult for water to flow through it. That's the idea behind purification.
Thank you for reading and I hope this has helped you understand a little better what do Healing Energy.
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