What is meaning of gluttony? Many of us associate gluttony with over-eating or being over weight but this is not the true sense of the term. Many can be overweight but not greedy. For example, someone who is trying to lose weight, or someone with a medical condition, it may seem greedy, but in reality it is not. In addition, a person can be the size 2, but greedy. So before we decide someone greedy, it would be wise for us to consider Matthew 11:19.
The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, "This is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of publicans and sinners." But the wisdom of his actions proved correct.
A person can also be a glutton of something other than food; a glutton for punishment or greedy power.
So what, exactly, is a glutton? Gluttony is defined as greed or excess eating habits. Spiritually, this means that you depend on something other than Jesus. In Proverbs 23, the Bible speaks into a glutton and warned against it. Sometimes refers to wine, food next time, next time greed ... the list goes on.
But let's focus on being a glutton food. What exactly does this mean? If you have two servings while others have one, whether you're a glutton? If you are overweight, whether you're a glutton? If you are having a bad day and indulge in a bucket of ice cream, if you're a glutton?
The answer to all these questions, and more, is "it depends." So what depends on?
Being a glutton depending on the motive. Why would you take a sec? Why do you eat a whole bucket of ice cream? Why are you being over weight? Finding your motives will answer your questions.
Eating more may seem like a big deal, but it is. Aside from the obvious health problems that become food glutton cause, it makes food controlling factor in your life rather than God. In most cases, even make the act of eating is not satisfactory. You feel happy at the time, but regret later. Food helps you through some emotional pain, but when the food was gone, back pain.
God keep control of your life, not the food, is the only way to keep your body (temple) healthy. Allowing God to help you through your emotions will create long-lasting relief and not a moment. And to stay focused on God, not on food, you will be able to enjoy the food you eat without effect after regret.
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